Rhetoric CFPs & TOCs

Rhetoric CFPs & TOCs
Photo: Kristoffer Trolle (creative commons)

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Imagining your Lifetime Achievement Award

Imagining your Lifetime Achievement Award

I'm working through the exercises in The Peak Performing Professor by Susan Robison.

Exercise 2.2 in The Peak Performing Professor asks me to talk about a lifetime achievement award.  If I got one, what would it be for?

At my lifetime achievement award, or my funeral, since the way I tell this, there is a strangely eulogistic tone to it:

I want a room full of people assembled, and each of them should be able to say this thing: 
"I wanted to say something, I wanted to become something, and David played a part in making that possible." 
And I want to look down from the emptiness of death and say:  "And I was made better because you could say what you wanted to say, because you could become what you wanted to become."

1 comment:

  1. More on my working through this book at:

